Are you financially prepared for the next disaster?
Our products will help you.
Independent Insurance Advisor/Broker: We find the Flood Insurance and Property Insurance policies that are fit to your particular needs.
Hurricane Protection Plan, Storm Strong®: We leverage meteorology, data science, cloud computing architectures and specialized data sets to deliver a new financial risk management product, StormStrong. It allows a client to receive a Hurricane Resiliency grant of up to $20,000 in just a few of days. The product is simple to understand, automatic and transparent on claim payment.
Climate Risk Modeling: At our core, we are a catastrophe modeling firm specialized in Parametric Triggers, with operational solutions that can be easily implemented in CAT Bonds and Insurance underwriting. Our flagship model is the Parachute Hurricane Risk Model, which can help you achieve minimal Loss Ratios and handle the uncertainties of increasing Climate Risks.
Partner with us, as we write the next chapter in the Insurance industry: The Climate Risk Chapter.